14.What are the the teachings of Jesus?

The teachings of Jesus Christ have been a source of guidance, inspiration, and comfort for millions of people for over two thousand years. Although the world has changed dramatically since Jesus lived, his message remains relevant and can be applied in many different ways in the modern world. Here are some ways that people are incorporating Jesus’ teachings into their lives today

1. On Compassion and Forgiveness

 Jesus taught that we should love our neighbours as ourselves and forgive others as we have been forgiven. This can be applied in many different ways in the modern world. For example, by volunteering at a local shelter or food bank, we can show love and compassion to those in need. 

In our personal relationships, practising forgiveness can help us let go of resentment and bitterness, leading to healthier and more fulfilling relationships. Additionally, by being more compassionate and understanding towards others, we can help create a more harmonious and peaceful society.

Munckasy- Behold the man John 19:1-20

Munckasy- Behold the man John 19:1-20

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Compassion is empathy, meaning that we take the time to understand and try as much as possible to feel as others feel in their various states, especially poverty.

Forgiveness on the other hand is not that easy. Jesus spoke of forgiveness as a means of obtaining heavenly blessings, since we ask our father for forgiveness and we inturn forgive others. The question I have is whether, forgiving means forgetting? I am an advocate of forgiving, but I don't think I am under any obligation to keep a relationship with anyone that I feel is against me. The teachings of Jesus Christ sometimes tend to be ambiguous and lack the depth to cover all scenarios, however I think one should apply common sense in achieving the objective of his teachings, while preserving one self.

Tanner- Flight to Egypt Mark 2:13-15

Tanner- Flight to Egypt Mark 2:13-15

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 Jesus modeled selflessness and a willingness to serve others. We can apply this teaching of Jesus Christ by volunteering our time and resources to help others, whether that be through serving at a local soup kitchen or helping a friend in need. We can also practice service by putting the needs of others before our own, such as by being a good listener or offering support to those who are going through a difficult time.

3. On Humility

Jesus taught that those who are humble and put others first will be lifted up in the end. This can be applied in our daily lives by being kind and respectful to those around us, not seeking recognition for our good deeds, and being willing to admit our mistakes. By practising humility, we can develop a more grounded and grateful outlook on life and can foster deeper and more meaningful relationships with others.

Matthias - Crowning with Thorns Matt 27:27-29
Matthias - Crowning with Thorns Matt 27:27-29

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Being humble, however, does not mean not applying our intelligence. Humility for me has been a sticking point that is discussed at length with other believers. Do not allow others to ride roughshod over you. Humility does not mean weakness but rather shows the strength of character to accept slights for the common good. If it goes too far, however, act!

Mironov - Christ and the sinner, Luke 7:36-50 

Mironov - Christ and the sinner, Luke 7:36-50

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When I consider Israelite leaders considered as "being or seeking God's own heart" the likes of David, Saul and Solomon come to mind. Despite the stories of their rule as shown in the bible and the difficulties and travesties they had to encounter, these were not weak men. They were tough, dictatorial and did what was necessary to rule. Its also assumed that they were humble enough to understand that their power was God-given and they must conduct their authority with that in mind.

When I think about this, humility becomes about the removal of pride, but not the debasement of self. If someone is not in line, you come down on them like a tonne of bricks, having thought through your actions stemming primarily from you being a steward and not a god unto yourself. 

4. On non-judgment

Jesus taught that we should not judge others, but instead love and accept them as they are. This can be applied in our relationships with others by avoiding gossip and criticism, treating everyone with respect and dignity, and offering support and encouragement to those in need. By embracing a non-judgmental attitude, we can create a more inclusive and supportive community, and can help others feel more accepted and valued.

However non - judgement does not mean a lack of discernment. One must make decisions daily on the kind of people they associate with, for without it, one can get influenced towards a direction one regrets. You know the saying, a persons character is only as good as the people they associate with. A gang banger , drug dealer, thief, killer etc You may not judge them for the sins they commit, but stay away from them. You are not God, and indeed it is Gods place to judge, but you are under no obligation to entertain them in any way. This is not self righteousness, its simple self preservation.

The reason why Governments exist, is to extend Gods righteous reign in society. There are rules that are followed, and if broken, the government acts accordingly. This is a form of judgement. At the individual level, protect yourself using discernment. Let God and those He appoints as judges deal with the rest.

5. On Gratitude

Jesus encouraged his followers to be grateful for what they have and to always give thanks to God. This can be applied in our lives by being thankful for our blessings, expressing gratitude to others, and recognizing the good in every situation. By cultivating a spirit of gratitude, we can find joy and fulfillment in our lives, even in difficult times.

Gratitude for our very lives is an attitude that can be very powerful. In the grand scheme of things, man is but a drop in a huge universe. Our very existence is reliant of a higher power, so are the lives we lead. The 7th commandment touches on envy and thus resentment for what we have or don't have respectively. Jesus is telling us to be grateful, no matter what we have or where we find ourselves; its all part of a grand plan, which for all of us is mysterious.

The reality is that we live for about 80 or so years, and then we die. Let us focus on where we would like to end up in the afterlife. Our Lord tells us that there is both reward and punishment based on how we have lived. To not store up what is terrestrial but lift our lives desires to what is extraterrestrial with our acts of love, neighbourliness, kindness and the like. We may never enjoy the life of a billionaire on earth, but what does it matter? It's just 80 years, against an eternity; choose the eternity and follow the teachings of Jesus on how we should live.

These are just a few of the ways that Jesus’ teachings can be applied in the modern world. By incorporating these principles into our daily lives, we can live more meaningful and fulfilling lives, and make a positive impact on those around us.
