22. Eckhart Tolle and Conciousness

Eckhart Tolle, a renowned spiritual teacher and author, offers profound insights into the relationship between success and consciousness. His teachings revolve around the Spiritual concept of presence and awakening to the present moment. 

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Before we proceed we should explain what it means to be present. Eckhart suggests that man's greatest enemy is his mind, particularly the overthinking unconscious mind. If you took the time to "observe" your mind, you will find that the vast majority of thought is firstly unconscious and secondly either dwells on what has happened; namely the past, or on what has as yet to happen; the future. Hardly any thoughts are spared for the present and more often than not we act as though the present doesn't matter; at least not as much as either the past or future.

Being present in the now is acknowledging that there is nothing quite as important as the present moment, and it is this present moment that determines success. The past has happened and beyond the learnings, it's pointless dwelling on your past failures or successes; as for the future, other than having a general plan, there is really no point in dwelling on how it will transpire; the unfolding in the present, which is the immediate future moment, is what really matters. This is very much in line with Jesus's proverbs on the lilies of the field and birds of the air Matt 6:25-34. The future truly has enough worry for itself; concern yourself with the present.

Redefining Success: 

According to Eckhart, conventional notions of success are often based on external achievements, such as wealth, status, and recognition. However, he encourages individuals to shift their perspective and redefine success as an inner state of being rather than a result of external circumstances. Tolle suggests that true success is rooted in finding inner peace, contentment, and alignment with the present moment. It is about living authentically and fully embracing the experience of life, rather than chasing after external validations. As Jesus puts it, the Kingdom of heaven is at hand, and it lies within each and every one of us; you simply need to take the time to discover it.

There is nothing wrong with aspiring to conventional notions of success. However, the more present one becomes, namely being in tune with your inner self, the less important these conventional notions are. You can have them, but you are not likely to place too much emphasis on them. But what does being in tune with your inner self really mean?

Well, first I take you back to observing the thoughts that arise in your mind. Be careful not to dwell on them, but first just to observe them. Observing will make it clear that indeed your mind is full of unnecessary unconscious thoughts and once you are aware of this, you can choose what to ignore and what to dwell on; the primary differentiating factor is focusing on what is present and discarding the rest.

Now, on to the next observation. If you are able to see or at least take cognisance of your thoughts, then the question arises, who is this that does that? This being is more than the mind since he or she is observing the goings on in the mind. This is your true awareness; the part of you linked to the source of all life and is present in all life forms. It is this one trait that interconnects all of creation back to the prime mover of all life. By constantly reaching out to that awareness, you become more present and thus in touch with the source of all life. 

Personally, it's been a couple of months since I began practising presence (by watching my thoughts and thus aligning with my true self). So far the experience has been scary, in the sense that my mind is no longer at the whim of unconscious thought but daily each thought comes with specific intent and is more often rooted in the present. This allows for many periods during the day when I have no particular thought but just observe and marvel at creation.

This stage, where there is little unconscious thought is extremely peaceful and you find yourself going about everyday life without much anxiety or worry, for the past fails to weigh you down and you treat the future like a surprise waiting to happen; and you wait for the passage of time, for the surprise to unveil itself. When you become more and more conscious, it is the peace and solemnity of daily living that you crave and not material things.

On The Power of Presence: 

Tolle emphasizes that being fully present is the key to unlocking a deeper sense of fulfilment and success in every aspect of life. Tolle argues that the present moment is the only place where true life exists, and by practising presence, individuals can transcend the constant striving for future goals and tap into the richness of the present moment, where true success resides.

On Ego and the Illusion of Success: 

The ego is the false sense of self, based on identification with thoughts, possessions, and achievements. The ego is that gremlin that resides in each and every one of us; that creature of self-assertion that leads to self-importance and eventually self-aggrandisement. It is in direct contradiction to the humility acceptance and calmness associated with consciousness.

Thoughts should be viewed in the same way as possessions and achievements; they do not make the person but rather should be no more than an extension of one's spiritual essence. Unconscious thoughts act in the same manner that identification with possessions creates a false image driven by egocentric ideas.

 According to Tolle, the ego-driven desire for success often leads to an unending cycle of craving, dissatisfaction, and attachment. He suggests that true success can only be found by transcending the ego's influence and cultivating awareness of the present moment. By recognizing that our true essence is beyond the ego and detached from external circumstances, we can experience a deeper level of fulfilment and success.

On Conscious Action and Effortlessness: 

Tolle emphasizes the importance of conscious action, which involves aligning our actions with the present moment and the inner state of being. He suggests that when individuals are fully present and connected with their inner selves, their actions become more authentic, effortless, and in harmony with the flow of life. By letting go of excessive striving and surrendering to the present moment, individuals can tap into a state of ease and grace in their endeavours. Success, in this sense, arises naturally as a byproduct of living in alignment with the present moment.

Before I became aware of consciousness as a concept, there are a few things I had observed in my life that seems to resonate. I have always thought that some people seem to attain the outer trappings of success as we understand them fairly easily and don't seem worried about the future or perturbed about past events. All their effort and concentration is on the unfolding present.  They clearly know where they are and every moment is about taking another step forward and not daydreaming about the future.

Another observation is how devoted these people are to the present. They are in tune with people, the situation, and the moment and like magicians, corral all these factors into the ever-unfolding present. It's delightful to watch, and now that I know better, even better to participate in.

On Finding Purpose in the Now: 

Tolle teaches that true purpose and fulfilment arise from being fully engaged in the present moment. He suggests that rather than searching for purpose in future achievements or external circumstances, individuals can discover their purpose by bringing presence and attention to their current activities. 

By infusing the present moment with a sense of purpose, individuals can experience a deep sense of fulfilment and success in their everyday lives. Tolle encourages individuals to find joy and meaning in the simplest of tasks and to be fully present in each moment. This is very much in line with the previous point and again emphasises the ever-unfolding present. Give attention to your friends, offer a smile to a stranger, rise above anger even when you are in the right, correct foolishness with love, accept your inadequacies (understanding that we are not masters of the universe) and so on; how different is this from the teachings of Jesus? Does it not resonate?

On Transcending Time-Based Goals: 

Tolle encourages individuals to go beyond the traditional notion of setting future-oriented goals. While he acknowledges the practicality of setting goals, he emphasizes that true fulfilment lies not in achieving future outcomes but in the journey itself. Tolle suggests that success is found by aligning with the process of whatever one is doing in the present moment, rather than fixating solely on the end result. By immersing ourselves in the present moment and giving our full attention and dedication to each task at hand, we can experience a deeper sense of fulfilment and success.

We are not the masters of our destiny; that belongs solely to the source of all life, who has appointed a time when that life will be taken away and we again find ourselves before Him again. There is no one reading this who knows if, in the next few minutes, we will expire, so surely with this in mind, why place your attention on the end result and relegate the process to being unimportant? Is it not practical to focus on the process, which is in hand and use the end result only as a guide to the present?

On Aligning with the Flow of Life:

According to Tolle, success arises when individuals align with the natural flow of life rather than resisting or opposing it. He emphasizes the importance of acceptance and surrender to the present moment, acknowledging that life unfolds in its own mysterious and intelligent way. Tolle suggests that by relinquishing the need for control and surrendering to the present moment, individuals can access a deeper level of consciousness and experience success in harmony with the greater unfolding of life. This alignment with the flow of life allows individuals to tap into their true potential and live in a state of grace and fulfilment.

Eckhart Tolle's teachings on consciousness offer a profound shift in perspective. By redefining success as an inner state of being rather than external achievements, and by emphasizing the power of presence, conscious action, and aligning with the flow of life, Tolle invites individuals to embrace a more fulfilling and authentic approach to success. His teachings remind us that true success is not measured by societal standards but is found in the depth of our presence, alignment with the present moment, and living in harmony with the natural flow of life.
