11 When did Jesus say he would return

When did Jesus say he would return? His return was discussed by Him and his disciples in what is called the Olivet discourse. This discussion touches on Jesus coming back and the signs of His return plus the attributes to foster as we wait. Some of the signs include the increase in false teachers; chaotic world events; wars and rumors of wars; irreligion and waning regard for the most-high.

Thoughts on a Jesus world view Kindle ebook 

We currently live in the end times. These started in earnest upon the death and resurrection of our Lord. This is why we say that the Kingdom of heaven has come, but it will only come in its fullness at the end of time.

Signs and portents pointing to the second coming:

a)  The increase of false teachers and false messiahs

When will Jesus return? How do we test whether one is a false teacher? First, read the gospels and let the teachings of Christ be at your fingertips. Our standard is Christ himself. He lived ascetically and among the poor. He never took anything for all the miracles he performed. He was a suffering servant to the very end. His concern at all times was for eternity and the place of men in it. 

In the gospels, Christ tells the masses to listen to the Pharisees but not act as they do, being hypocrites. How different is it today? 

Jet-set preachers driving Ferraris, living in million-dollar mansions, and wearing the best that money can buy. There is nothing wrong with being rich, but you certainly don’t do so on the basis of offerings that are meant to help the poor. 

If preachers are going to be commercial about their craft, then it’s more likely that mammon is what will drive their agenda rather than the command of the great commission. Let us do as they say and not as they do.

Tissot- Jesus Teaches by the sea, Mark 4:1-2

Tissot- Jesus Teaches by the sea, Mark 4:1-2

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b) Not being alarmed by chaotic world events

When will Jesus return? The world appears mad and at times I feel that we have gone much beyond the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah. Human dignity and life are only esteemed for the wealthy. The weather seems to be constantly at loggerheads with men, what with the thousands killed by floods, droughts, tornadoes, Tsunamis, and so on. There are never-ending wars being waged. It feels completely hopeless, but He teaches us not to worry. 

c) Suffering for His cause and Kingdom

When will Jesus return? Our Lord will return, but his return will be like a thief in the night. At all times we must stand up for what is right, in line with His teachings on righteousness; justice; human dignity; love of our neighbours; standing up for the poor; choosing righteousness over mammon, and so on. 

Let us be salt, in a world that would prefer we were not there. Stand up for something, anything that Christ would want us to stand up for. If you don’t want to be a hero, that’s fine. Use your money and other gifts to support other disciples.

 There is a wonderful analogy I came across on our lay role in the church. When the Children of Israel were occupying the Promised Land, when in battle, Moses' hands would be held up and for as long as his hands were up, the Israelites would win. The analogy is that we as disciples hold up the hands of the church by our various forms of donations and prayers; she in turn sends out its Navy seals in the form of Mother Teresa’s, all the consecrated, all the monks and nuns, and so on. It’s an ecosystem of mutual support, with each doing his part as we await Jesus coming back. 

d) The temple's destruction (Matt 2:13)

When will Jesus return? He speaks of two events, the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 and his second coming at the end of the age. He alerts his disciples to birth pains that will mark every age; deception; false messiahs; false prophets; wars and rumours of wars; famines; earthquakes; persecution of God's people; apostasy; betrayals; an increase in wickedness; a lessening of love and the worldwide preaching of the gospel. These things are happening today. Is His return imminent? The world is full of false prophets that pander to the appetites of the people, rather than God's truth. 

Preachers focus their teaching on how to make money; how to be successful; how to be the best; living for the self; encouraging blatant ambition; emphasizing selfishness and vain glory. Gone are the truths of self-sacrifice; patience; meekness; love for God above mammon; profit with humanity and so on. Just read the Sermon on the Mount and you will realize just how far we have strayed from His teachings. 

On Christ’s return, he will separate the righteous (Sheep) from the wicked (Goats). A person’s destiny is directly connected to whether they did or did not do for one of these “least brothers of mine”; a reference to the downtrodden and poor. 

We are to do for others as we would like them done for us. In the course of your days on earth, try to be useful to all. A smile here, a word there, alms here, prayer there, gentleness, and so on. Doing for one of the least of these need not involve great acts, but rather small daily ones, that add up in the end. 

Kamskoy- Christ prays in the wilderness, Luke 4:1-13

Kamskoy- Christ prays in the wilderness, Luke 4:1-13

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The church talks about the corporal and spiritual works of mercy as related specifically to Matt 25: 31-46. These works are as follows, and we should try within our abilities to participate and become sheep for the Lord: 


  • Feed the hungry  
  • Give drink to the thirsty  
  • Cloth the naked  
  • Shelter the homeless  
  • Visit the sick  
  • Visit the imprisoned  
  • Bury the dead


  • Admonish the sinner  
  • Instruct the ignorant  
  • Counsel the doubtful  
  • Bear wrongs patiently  
  • Forgive offences willingly 
  • Comfort the afflicted  
  • Pray for the living and the dead 

Participate in the Corporal and Spiritual works of mercy, and be among the sheep, when the Lord calls us at the end of the age.
